Friday February 26, 2016
Wilson Sayres Lab members (L to R): Sam Daly, Pooja Narang, Tim Webster, Melissa Wilson Sayres, Danny Cotter, Lidia Peon, Sarah Brotman, Kimberly Olney, and Ashley Amidan.
We were at judging Science Fair projects for Middle School students (roughly ages 9-13) at the Self Development School in Mesa, coordinated by Tim Webster and Laura Meyer.
We listened to each student give a presentation about their project, summarizing the rationale, methods, results, and interpretations. My favorite part was discussing replication and what they might do differently next time. The students were so excited, and the projects were wonderful!
The one-liners from the students were priceless, but this one stood out to me:
Hands-down best quote from a 5th grader (~10yrs old) today about #science:
— Melissa WilsonSayres (@mwilsonsayres) February 26, 2016
"I've basically been doing it my whole life."
Way to go kid!!