Videos and Activities

Here we share videos about our research and science activities


Arizona PBS Catalyst: Gila monster genomes

February 2019

Genetics, Science and Politics

Discussing how to understand sex and gender with Ben Fama Jr and Mesa Fama.

April 2017

March Mammal Madness 

In honor of the 5th Annual March Mammal Madness, the 2017 wild card bout is a FOUR SPECIES BATTLE ROYALE!

March 2017

How reliable is an at-home DNA test and should you try one?

Interview with Nick Ciletti on ABC 15 Arizona (video)

December 2016

Evolution of dosage compensation

Introduction to dosage compensation, presented at the Evolutionary Genomics of Sex meeting.

November 2016

How to extract DNA from a banana

Step by step instructions can be found at Ask a Biologist at "Seeing Banana DNA".

April 2016

Extracting DNA from a banana. Biologist Melissa Wilson Sayres shows how you can extract DNA from a banana using things you can find in your kitchen and local grocery store. For detailed instructions and a teacher guide - visit

Explaining male mutation bias

A short interview about male mutation bias following publication of our paper studying potential biases in how we measure the phenomenon.

September 2016

Fetal microchimerism

Fetal microchimerism occurs when a small number of cells from the developing fetus enter and persist in the pregnant body and postpartum. We reviewed current evidence for the effects of fetal microchimerism and generate testable hypotheses for how these cells may be affecting health long after birth.
October 2015

The new study suggests that women almost always acquire fetal cells each time they are pregnant. They have been detected as early as seven weeks into a pregnancy. In later years, the cells may disappear, but sometimes, the cells settle in for a lifetime.

A panel discussion on evolution and sex differences

Following Mel Konner's talk, there was a panel disucssion. Panel participants: Sarah Hrdy, Professor Emerita, UC Davis. Melissa Wilson Sayres, Assistant Professor, Arizona State University. Sally Kitch, Director, Institute for Humantities Research and Regents' Professor, Arizona State University. Kim Hill, Professor, School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University. 

August 2015

Population genomics of sex chromosome evolution

Online conference presentation for LabRoots. Watch on LabRoots at

Learning Objectives:

1. Explain the importance of including the human X and Y chromosomes in clinical and genetic analysis.
2. Appreciate the role of the sex chromosomes in human health and disease
3. Discuss the implications of human Y chromosome variation.

May 2015

Disease implications of human sex chromosome evolution

Presentation about human sex chromosomes from the inaugural meeting of the International Society for Evolutionary Medicine and Public Health. Also on YouTube:

April 2015

mtDNA is our mitochondrial DNA. mtDNA is a circular piece of DNA. It is passed only through the egg (not sperm). So, it can be used to trace back through the genetic female lineage. Here is a description of how that works. More information here:

Our mtDNA ancestor

A short cartoon introduction to thinking about coalescence. 

August 2013

Posts/essays from the lab:

  • Every site in the human genome is expect to vary in at least 100 individuals (post)

Other resources:

  • What is the evidence for evolution? (video)

  • Coalescent and genealogical thinking (video)

  • What it's like to be intersex (video)